Why would Robots ever try to kill us ?

Asif khan
4 min readJun 15, 2024


Are they really evil or is it the nature of awareness ?

In the last few hundred years, Humans went from peddling to steam engines, to high transmission engines and unimaginable machines.

It seems almost the peak of machines, they can just be made bigger to become more powerful.

Seems like we are at the end of mechanical engineering and thinking but that’s not really the case.

We are just involved in a different kind of technological field “Computer Science”.

The discovery of semiconductors has changed the lifestyle of human in all possible ways.

Transistors and silicon chips in 1800s were same as discovery of wheels. They have completely transformed our way of living. We can now do such tasks which we never even thought about.

I don’t think anyone in past ever thought about Artificial Intelligence. A completely new path in modern technology. Almost everything at present are AI based. But movies and TV shows tell us something else.

They show the massacre of humans by robots! But why??

Is it really going to happen or is it just a overthought of future thinkers at time when AI seemed too unrealistic.

In today’s article I will share my thoughts about this science fiction topic 😉.

Why Robots would ever try to kill us ?

I believe there is a God but he is not what we think he is.
I think he is not the supreme of all. The definition of God says all good and all powerful. But when asked about dying of people in natural causes, Believers claim that it was meant to happen.

My intention is not to harm any religion or community.

Let’s think about this in a different way.

Just suppose if we someday leave the planet earth and just leave a ton of robots to self learn and increase thier capability.
However if we are leaving them to learn by themselves, whenever they become conscious enough to know about the one who made them, they will never believe that they are more powerful than humans.
As those who made them will always be superior than robots themselves.
But for us, the even superior is God himself because we believe that he made us.
Ultimately the gods of those robots would be humans and ofcourse we will programme them in such a way that they should survive and live longer.
In order to limit thier capabilities and to prevent that robotic mass destruction, we would bind them in a set of rules.
In the same way, religions are made to bind us to prevent us from the mass destruction.
But now the most depressing part comes.
Since those robots were made by us, we would be thier Gods but they will never know that we believed on someone even superior, what we call GOD.
Now let’s place ourselves in the place of robots, then the actual God isn’t the one who made us but the one who made our gods.
There must be a probability that the God we are praying to, believed on someone even superior which is hidden from us.
Now If the god isn’t god, then the god’s god isn’t a God either and the god’s god’s god too.
If the chain keeps going, just imagine how superior the god at the Infinity would be.
In front of him we are nothing.

Now take another case,
Suppose the planet is inhabited by robots, and those robots invented a new kind of living beings, let's call them 'Minobots'.
Robots left earth too and now earth is inhabited by 'Minobots' , suppose the 'Minobots' created another life form say 'Nonobots' and left earth.
The chain continues forever, and we are approaching to the god at infinity.
But what would we take care of ?
Ofcourse the beings "we" created, the Robots.
We won't care about what 'Minobots' or 'Nonobots' are doing because we have bounded only robots in a set of limitation.
This thought scares me that in the same way we won't care about those meaningless, useless 4th stage beings; how the one at infinity would care about us.
So even If the ultimate god exists, we have to live on our own.
This is same as telling about a problem in your Maths homework straight to the Prime minister of India and expect him to solve it.
As he got even more bigger and important problems to focus on.
In the population of 1.5 Billion, The prime minister of India can't listen to each and every one and each individual have to take care of himself.
Since Each individual is meant to take care of himself and there is no one to look on him, anyone among us who is able to think about this chain and can figure it out to rule, can become a God.
Hence I am the God myself.

But If I stay a good person then ultimately I am bonded into the so called god's set of rules. In order to prove that I am god, I have 2 choices.
First is that to become and show the God that I am superior than him and Second,
Is to kill him.
Therefore, robots might do the same with thier God.

Thanks for reading, Hope you enjoyed it. ♥️



Asif khan

Hi ! I am Asif. A poet and story writer. Started writing at 15 and doing this for 4 years now. Not a professional but a hobbiest.