The Sweet Dagger

Asif khan
7 min readMay 1, 2024


  • The swing :

Like the other days, Peter was returning back from the University. He was a little stressed about the incomplete assignment he was given a week ago.
He was indeed a nice teenager who got no bullies, neither he hates anyone. But he loved Natalie Woods.
Natalie was his childhood friend and they both played with each other for too many years.
Peter believes that Natalie may like him but he never asked because he was too shy.
Once she was playing piano and Peter was listening to her sitting in the audience chair. It was a descent and melodious music. Peter was almost lost in the rhythm and closed his eyes, it reminded him of his childhood where he is on a swing with his dad. His dad pushes him each time comes back and suddenly there was no one, he calls his dad and no one answers.
Far far there, mountains began to shake and there was an earthquake.
Peter got scared and anxious until he opened his eyes and shockingly sees Natalie lying on her Piano fainting.
He comforts her breathing heavily and asks what happened.
She said that she didn't ate anything in breakfast and she was hungry and maybe hence got dizzy.
They went at Peter's home and had a lunch after which they waved and Natalie went to her place.
Peter couldn't sleep that night, he was thinking about the incident in the day. Why did he fall unconscious and what was the daydream about ?

Sand Castle :

Many days later, Peter almost forgot everything and daily tasks helped him to do so. On the way he finds a toothpick with a little flag on it, it was cute and he kept it.
One day when he was going to the park, he listens to some sound, behind the long grasses. He approached towards the grass and there was nothing but a sand castle out of nowhere.
He looks at the castle and adds that little flag on the top of the castle. The castle unbalanced and damages, the grass around suddenly starts to burn and everything became smoky, a terror noise came out of the dark. Peter was scared and tried to run.
A big white beast with full of blood runs towards Peter and attacks him but Peter jumped the fence and ran like hell.
He runs and runs and reaches his home and tells everything to his father. They both returned and saw nothing but the sand castle completely restored and a little flag on it.
Peter was so confused and retarded.
They both sat in the car and when they were returning to home, suddenly a truck appeared and Peter's father applied breaks. The car turns and the truck touched the car. Nothing happened.

Silence of the Terror :

Peter opened his eyes and saw that his dad is freaked but car is stopped, and the truck, the wind turned into air, birds and squirrels stopped. Time just stopped except Peter.
Peter tried every single way to awake his father but he didn't respond.
He ran to the home and looked at his dead sculptured mother cooking food in a freezed flame.
For a very weird reason, time was stopped.
Peter ran to Natalie's home and shocked as well as glad to see her crying.
He asked her about all this but she had no idea.
They sat quiet, thinking about they bizzare incident, and Peter tells her about the Garden accident.
They decided to return to the garden. They found the castle rebuilt. Natalie looked closely at the castle and saw 2 little figures of a prince and a princess.
Peter took the prince out to look closely and suddenly skies turned red, black clouds appeared.
He placed him again in the castle and both of them returned.
Many days later, both started to accept the harsh and freezed reality but each time Peter looks at his lifeless father like a screaming statue, he gets sad.
Weeks and months went, the food in open malls and shops started to shrink and lost moisture.
Life became more and more difficult.
But they accepted and started enjoying their lives and relied on emergency food.

  • Something's wrong :

Both started falling in love, Natalie played piano for him and he looks into her eyes flying in the skies full of love.
One day when they were having food, Natalie told Peter about the Castle that what If someone else tries to destroy it then what would happen.
They went and Natalie took out the flag and nothing happened. She destroyed the castle and everything was same as before.
They were confused and started to think about it.
Many trials and brute force, they realised that only when Peter touches anything, things start to swirl and go wrong. Only Natalie can do whatever she wants.
One day when Peter fell ill, everything started to darken.
Rainy clouds crowded and killer winds made horrible sounds.
Trees started to die and the land started to fold in itself.
Natalie continued to look for Peter and helped him.
She finally succeed in making Peter healthy again.
And things went back as they were.
They noticed that when Peter fell ill, the world was dying and it was living again with Peter.

  • The Intruder :

Peter and Natalie were sleeping and at the middle of the night, someone knocks the door.
Natalie was terrified but didn't want to scare sick Peter.
She goes down the stairs, the steps were so heavy.
On her way down to the door, lightning strikes increased.
Everything turned grey and Natalie turned white with fear.
She goes towards the door slowly and slightly opens the door.
She was shocked to see Peter outside!
But he was sleeping on the bed, who is this?
Peter was full of blood, there was a rope around his neck and cuts of blades all around his body.
Natalie was freaked.
The Intruder turned back and started walking away. Natalie followed him and both reached the same garden where there was once a sandle castle.
Peter turns to her and says, sorry but I found that something was wrong, because when I touched the things in the mall and the shops and the house, nothing happened but as soon as I touched the castle, things went wrong. So I decided to hide, and thought what If I kill myself?
I tried to kill myself, I tried to hang, and cut my veins.I went unconscious but I didn't die, but a new Peter spawned in real life and he is there, with you, at the home, sleeping.
Peter wakes up and looks for Natalie, and the search takes him to the garden where he sees the another man with Natalie.
He rushes towards them.

  • The dilemma :

Peter screamed and holds Natalie's hand, asks her to leave. The another man was looking like a psycho.
The Intruder attacks Peter but couldn't win over him because they both were the same guy.
Peter finally holds both of the hands of the Intruder and tied him.
Natalie was confused about whom she believe on?
The Intruder kept asking her to kill the fake Peter.
Both started fighting again and again and started proving if who's the real Peter.
Natalie holds a wooden dagger and goes behind the Intruder to kill him.
But the dagger went way out the Intruder like there was nothing and stabbed Peter.
Peter stopped moving, and fell on the ground.
The land started to roll on itself.
Peter and Natalie were holding each other's hand.
Natalie was looking at the Peter with a smile on her face as if he was freed from a cage.
Everything turned dark, Natalie started to turn into dust.
The Intruder was standing and kindly smiled, and turned into ashes.
The world began to finally die along Peter.

  • Good Morning Peter :

Peter opens his eyes. He wasn't feeling good but he could feel the air more realistically.
He was covered in bandage. His head was half broken.
He couldn't move his arms because they were almost bursted.
His mother sees his child back again to life.
She cried with happiness and sat next to Peter.
Peter cries as his frozen mother came back again to life.
He asks where is Natalie? Where is the Intruder?
Where I am? Dad?? Where is dad? Is he okay?
His mother confuses a bit and reveals that he and his dad met a car accident about 6 months ago. His dad recovered soon but Peter went in coma.
Peter understood that this was all his dream. He wanted to meet Natalie.
But, In real, there was no such girl named Natalie.
Natalie do not exist.
Why Peter dreamt of Natalie? How was he able to create an imagination so real?

2 years later...

Peter was looking for his certificate but couldn't find it. He has searched everywhere.
Suddenly he finds an old group photo of his school when he was 9 years old. He finds out Natalie in it!
He contacted his school principal and asked about Natalie. His principal says that about 13 years ago, Natalie went missing when she was playing in a playground.
He went to meet Natalie's parents and asked them about Natalie.
She was a curious and intelligent child and her parents were always proud of her.
They said that Natalie was playing in the playground with her prince and princess dolls.
When it was getting late, her father went to look for her in the bushes but he finds nothing but a sand castle.
She is still missing and not even her dead body was ever discovered.



Asif khan

Hi ! I am Asif. A poet and story writer. Started writing at 15 and doing this for 4 years now. Not a professional but a hobbiest.